Revitalising Reflexology Dorking, Surrey



Perimenopause generally starts between the ages of 40 and 45 years of age and, on average, lasts about 4 years but can last anything from 1 to 12 years. This time is calculated as being the time from your fist sign of menopause until you have not had a period for 12 consecutive months.


Menopause or Postmenopause is when you have had no period for 12 consecutive months.


Symptoms that you may be experiencing may include but not be limited to some of the following:-


Hot flushes Night sweats Palpitations
Fatigue Brain fog Poor memory
Poor concentration Anxiety Low libidio
Tinnitus Gum disease Weight gain
Achy joints/muscles Depression Insomnia
Irregular periods Irritability Mood swings
Facial hair Weak nails Bad breath
Dizziness Insomnia Itchy skin
Hair loss Clammy Bloating


How can reflexology help?

As this is a holistic approach we look at all areas of your life using what we call the '5 Pillars'  These are the areas of our lives in which we need to feel fulfilled and balanced.  We look at these areas and I can help point you in the right direction to find what you are looking for.  In addition, this supported by the reflexology which we focus on the reflexes that will need most support depending on the symptoms that you are experiencing.                                                                                                   


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